Social media advertising
The power of social media is endless, but of course we don’t have to tell you that. Nor is there any doubt that your target audience can be found online. However, there are big differences in the results that can be achieved through social media advertising. Moreover, there are different platforms as well. Think of Facebook advertising, Instagram advertising, and LinkedIn advertising. Together we have a look at where your target audience is most engaged. Then we get to work for you. On a monthly basis you receive a report. We discuss the results achieved and adjust when needed.
Instagram advertising
Instagram advertising is no longer to be missed as a potential advertisement channel to reach your potential customers. Having “merely” four different types of advertising, Instagram advertising is very different from Facebook advertising. The power of Instagram is in the use of visuals, both photo and video, which can be used in their advertisements. We’re not going to discuss the cliché that a photo tells you more than a thousand words (Oops, we did ?), but we probably don’t have to tell you about the power of a photo compared to a text. Instagram advertising is therefore a powerful tool to get into contact with your customers. We’re experts in building Instagram campaigns with matching advertisements, so bring your challenge forward!
Facebook advertising
There are many different ways to advertise through Facebook. There are 12 to be exact! A few well-known ones are page-like advertisements, photo advertisements, video advertisements and text advertisements. We have worked with each of these different advertisement types. Taking all the different target audiences which are active on Facebook into account, we can start right away for you. We write the texts, create the visuals and before you know it you have a number of beautiful advertisements ready to be used online. We’re happy to inform you about the possibilities and how we can put Facebook to the best use of your company.
LinkedIn marketing
LinkedIn marketing is completely different compared to Instagram advertising and Facebook advertising. This is mostly a result of LinkedIn being a business oriented rather than a social platform. LinkedIn advertisements have thus far strongly been used as a broadcasting channel for vacancies. We know exactly how your target audience may be reached through LinkedIn with well-targeted advertisements.